Giardia Infection in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment of this Common Parasitic Infection

In this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment of giardia infection in dogs.

Giardia is a common parasitic infection that affects dogs all around the world.

The infection is caused by a microscopic parasite called Giardia lamblia, which lives in the small intestine of infected animals.

Causes of Giardia Infection in Dogs


Giardia infection is most commonly transmitted through the ingestion of contaminated water or feces.

The parasite can also be transmitted through contact with infected animals or objects.

Risk factors

Some dogs may be at a higher risk of contracting giardia infection than others.

This includes dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors, dogs that live in overcrowded or unsanitary conditions, and dogs with weakened immune systems.

Symptoms of Giardia Infection in Dogs

Digestive symptoms

The most common symptom of giardia infection in dogs is diarrhea, which may be watery, bloody, or mucousy.

Dogs with giardia infection may also experience vomiting, loss of appetite, and weight loss.

General symptoms

In addition to digestive symptoms, dogs with giardia infection may also experience general symptoms such as lethargy, dehydration, and abdominal pain.

Diagnosis of Giardia Infection in Dogs

Physical examination

A veterinarian may suspect giardia infection based on a dog’s symptoms and medical history.

During a physical examination, the veterinarian may also look for signs of dehydration or abdominal pain.

Fecal examination

The definitive diagnosis of giardia infection is made through a fecal examination.

This involves analyzing a sample of the dog’s feces under a microscope to look for the presence of giardia parasites.

Treatment of Giardia Infection in Dogs


The most common treatment for giardia infection in dogs is medication, typically an anti-parasitic drug such as metronidazole or fenbendazole.

Treatment may last for several weeks, and it is important to follow the veterinarian’s instructions carefully.

Hydration and nutrition

Dogs with giardia infection may become dehydrated and malnourished due to diarrhea and vomiting.

It is important to keep the dog well hydrated and to provide a balanced diet to support recovery.

Prevention of Giardia Infection in Dogs

Good hygiene practices

Good hygiene practices can help prevent giardia infection in dogs.

This includes cleaning up after your dog, washing your hands regularly, and keeping your dog’s living area clean and dry.

Avoiding contaminated water sources

Avoiding contaminated water sources can also help prevent giardia infection.

This includes not allowing your dog to drink from stagnant water sources and avoiding areas where other animals may have defecated.


Giardia infection is a common parasitic infection that can cause a range of symptoms in dogs.

It is important to recognize the signs of giardia infection and seek veterinary care promptly to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment.

With proper treatment and care, most dogs with giardia infection can recover fully.


1. Can humans get giardia infection from dogs?

While it is possible for humans to contract giardia infection from dogs, it is not common.

Good hygiene practices can help reduce the risk of transmission.

2. Is giardia infection in dogs contagious to other dogs?

Yes, giardia infection is contagious to other dogs.

It is important to practice good hygiene and isolate infected dogs to prevent the spread of infection.

3. Can giardia infection in dogs be prevented with vaccination?

There is currently no vaccine available to prevent giardia infection in dogs.

Good hygiene practices and avoidance of contaminated water sources are the best ways to prevent infection.

4. How long does it take for a dog to recover from giardia infection?

The length of time it takes for a dog to recover from giardia infection can vary depending on the severity of the infection and the effectiveness of treatment.

In most cases, dogs can recover fully within a few weeks.

5. Can giardia infection in dogs recur?

Yes, giardia infection can recur in dogs.

It is important to practice good hygiene and seek veterinary care promptly if your dog experiences symptoms of giardia infection again.