How to Prevent Dog Travel Sickness: Tips and Prevention For Your Pup

travel with a dog

How to Prevent Dog Travel Sickness

Dogs, just like humans, can experience motion sickness, also known as car sickness, during car travel. It is essential for dog owners to understand the symptoms and causes of motion sickness in dogs to help their furry friends overcome this uncomfortable experience. In this article, we will discuss how to prevent dog travel sickness and provide helpful tips to make car rides more enjoyable for your canine companion.

What is Motion Sickness in Dogs?

Understanding the symptoms

Motion sickness in dogs can manifest through various symptoms. These may include drooling, excessive panting, vomiting, restlessness, whining, and even trembling. It is important to observe your dog closely during car rides to identify any signs of motion sickness.

Causes of motion sickness

Motion sickness in dogs is primarily caused by the sensory conflict between what they see and what they feel. The constant motion, especially during car travel, can confuse their inner ear balance, leading to feelings of nausea and discomfort.

Is my dog prone to motion sickness?

While some dogs are more prone to motion sickness, including puppies and young dogs, others may outgrow the condition as they become adults. However, every individual dog is unique, and it is difficult to predict if your dog will experience motion sickness. It is essential to be prepared and take preventive measures to ensure a comfortable journey for your four-legged friend.

How to Help Your Dog with Travel Sickness

Introduce short car rides

If your dog is prone to motion sickness, gradually introducing short car rides can help them get used to the experience. Start with short trips around the block and gradually increase the duration as your dog becomes more comfortable.

Make the car ride comfortable

Creating a comfortable environment inside the car can significantly reduce the chances of your dog experiencing motion sickness. Use a comfortable dog seat or carrier that allows them to sit or lie down comfortably during the journey. Additionally, ensure proper ventilation and keep the car cool to avoid overheating.

Using remedies to prevent motion sickness

There are various remedies available to prevent motion sickness in dogs. These include over-the-counter medications, natural herbal supplements, and even special diets formulated to help reduce nausea during car travel. Consulting with your veterinarian can help you determine the most suitable remedy for your dog.

Tips for Preventing Car Sickness in Dogs

Keeping the car cool

Keeping the car cool is not only important for the comfort of your dog but also helps prevent motion sickness. Hot and stuffy conditions can exacerbate the symptoms of car sickness. Ensure proper air circulation and use sunshades or window screens to block out excessive heat and sunlight.

Gradual exposure to car rides

If your dog is not accustomed to car rides, gradually introducing them to the experience can help reduce the chances of car sickness. Start by sitting inside the car with your dog without actually driving anywhere. Associate the car with positive experiences, such as treats or toys, to create a positive association.

Using car seats and carriers

Using a dog car seat or carrier can significantly improve your dog’s comfort and safety during car travel. It provides a secure space for them to relax and reduces the chances of them bouncing around, which can contribute to motion sickness. Additionally, it ensures they are properly restrained, preventing any potential injuries in the event of sudden stops or accidents.

Travel Tips for Reducing Dog Motion Sickness

Feeding your dog before travel

Avoid feeding your dog a large meal immediately before travel. Instead, feed them a small portion a few hours prior to the journey. This helps prevent an empty stomach, which can contribute to nausea, while also avoiding a heavy meal that may cause discomfort during car travel.

Avoiding stressful situations

Stress and anxiety can worsen the symptoms of motion sickness in dogs. Avoid stressful situations before travel and create a calm and soothing environment. Engage in calming activities such as playing calming music, using pheromone sprays, or applying gentle pressure through a calming wrap or vest.

Overcoming travel anxiety

In some cases, dogs may experience anxiety specifically related to car travel. Gradually desensitizing your dog to the car and providing positive reinforcement can help them overcome travel anxiety. Make the car a familiar and comfortable space for them by allowing them to explore it freely and spending time inside the car without driving anywhere.

When to Seek Veterinary Help

Severe symptoms of motion sickness

If your dog experiences severe symptoms of motion sickness, such as persistent vomiting, extreme restlessness, or trembling, it is important to seek veterinary help. Your veterinarian can assess the situation and provide appropriate medical assistance to alleviate your dog’s discomfort.

Alternative treatments for travel sickness

In certain cases, alternative treatments such as acupuncture or behavior modification techniques may be recommended to help manage travel sickness in dogs. These treatments aim to address the underlying causes of motion sickness and provide long-term relief for your furry friend.

Consulting a veterinarian

If you are unsure how to help your dog with travel sickness or if their symptoms persist despite your efforts, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian. They can provide personalized advice and recommend the most suitable preventive measures or treatments based on your dog’s specific needs.


Q: What is dog travel sickness?

A: Dog travel sickness, also known as car sickness or motion sickness, is a common condition in dogs that occurs when they experience discomfort while traveling in a car or any other moving vehicle.

Q: What are the symptoms of dog travel sickness?

A: The symptoms of dog travel sickness can include drooling, excessive panting, restlessness, vomiting, and even diarrhea. Some dogs may also become lethargic or show signs of anxiety or fear when in the car.

Q: Are puppies more prone to travel sickness than adult dogs?

A: Yes, puppies are more prone to travel sickness compared to adult dogs. This is because their inner ear, which helps with balance, is still developing, making them more susceptible to motion sickness.

Q: Can dogs outgrow motion sickness?

A: Many dogs outgrow motion sickness as they get older. As puppies mature and their inner ear develops, they often become more accustomed to car rides and may overcome travel sickness without any intervention.

Q: How can I help my dog overcome travel sickness?

A: There are several ways you can help your dog overcome travel sickness. Gradually getting your dog used to car rides, conditioning them to associate car travel with positive experiences, and using natural remedies or medication prescribed by your veterinarian may help alleviate the symptoms.

Q: What can I do to make car rides more comfortable for my dog?

A: To make car rides more comfortable for your dog, try providing a comfortable and secure crate or harness for them to ride in. You can also open the windows slightly to allow fresh air to circulate, play soothing music, and ensure your dog is well-rested prior to travel.

Q: Are there any remedies for dog car sickness?

A: There are various remedies available for dog car sickness. Natural options include ginger treats or supplements, lavender or chamomile essential oils, and herbal remedies specifically formulated for motion sickness in dogs. Consult with your veterinarian for specific recommendations.

Q: Should I feed my dog before a car ride?

A: It is generally recommended to avoid feeding your dog a large meal prior to a car ride, as a full stomach can contribute to nausea and vomiting in dogs. However, you can offer a small, light snack a few hours before the trip to help prevent an empty stomach.

Q: What should I do if my dog vomits during a car ride?

A: If your dog vomits during a car ride, it is important to safely pull over and clean up the mess. Give your dog some fresh water and a break from the car to allow them to recuperate. If the vomiting persists or your dog appears unwell, consult with your veterinarian.

Q: Can I reduce motion sickness in my dog through conditioning?

A: Yes, conditioning your dog to associate car travel with positive experiences can help reduce motion sickness. Start by taking short, gradual car trips and gradually increase the duration and distance over time. Reward your dog with treats, praise, and toys to create a positive association with car rides.