Stepping in the Right Direction: Fixing Your Dog’s East-West Feet for Better Mobility


East west feet in dogs, also known as “toeing out,” is a common condition where the front paws of a dog point outwards, away from the body.

This condition can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, growth abnormalities, and poor posture.

While east west feet may not cause any significant health problems in some dogs, it can lead to joint and skeletal issues in others.

In this blog post, we will discuss the causes of east west feet in dogs, how to fix it, and preventative measures to keep your dog healthy.

Understanding East West Feet in Dogs

East west feet in dogs is a condition where the front paws point outwards, away from the dog’s body.

This condition can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, growth abnormalities, and poor posture.

Some breeds, such as bulldogs, have a higher incidence of east west feet due to their unique bone structure.

East west feet can also be caused by improper feeding or exercise during the puppy stage, or even improper training.

How to Fix East West Feet in Dogs?

If your dog has east west feet, there are a number of steps you can take to correct the issue.

While some dogs may require surgery or other medical intervention, there are a number of home remedies and exercises that can help fix east west feet in dogs.

Here are some tips to help correct east west feet:

01. Physical Therapy: Regular physical therapy can help to correct east west feet by improving muscle tone and strengthening the joints.

This can include exercises such as walking on inclines or walking through obstacles to help improve balance.

02. Stretching: Regular stretching exercises can help to lengthen the muscles and tendons in your dog’s legs, which can help to correct east west feet.

Stretching should be done carefully and under the guidance of a professional.

03. Massage Therapy: Massage therapy can help to increase blood flow and improve muscle function, which can help to correct east west feet in dogs.

A trained massage therapist can work with your dog to help improve their posture and gait.

04. Braces or Splints: Braces or splints can help to hold your dog’s legs in the correct position, which can help to correct east west feet.

These should only be used under the guidance of a professional.

05. Surgery: In some cases, surgery may be necessary to correct east west feet in dogs.

This is typically reserved for more severe cases or cases that do not respond to other forms of treatment.

Preventing East West Feet in Dogs

While some dogs may be more prone to east west feet due to their breed or genetics, there are steps you can take to help prevent the condition from developing in the first place.

Here are some preventative measures you can take to keep your dog’s feet healthy:

01. Proper Nutrition: Proper nutrition is essential for the proper growth and development of your dog’s bones and muscles.

Make sure your dog is eating a balanced diet that includes high-quality protein and the right balance of vitamins and minerals.

02. Exercise: Regular exercise is important for the overall health of your dog, including their feet.

Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise and is allowed to run and play on a variety of surfaces, including grass, pavement, and sand.

03. Good Posture: Encouraging good posture in your dog can help prevent the development of east west feet.

Make sure your dog is standing and walking with their shoulders back and their head up.


East west feet in dogs can be a serious condition that can cause a lot of pain and discomfort for your furry friend.

However, with proper treatment and care, you can help correct the bowleggedness and improve your dog’s overall quality of life.

From physical therapy and dietary changes to surgery and supportive devices, there are many options available to help fix east west feet in dogs.

By working closely with your veterinarian and following a comprehensive treatment plan, you can help your furry friend get back on the path to healthy paws and a happy life.